April 2023
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Cue of the Week: “The Whimsydome”

This week’s music selection continues the series from the game Wizard Ops Tactics. This cue evokes a mix of childlike sweetness and ominous danger, as befits a level with a split personality!

April 2023
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Cue of the Week: “Into the Dark Forest”

This week’s selection comes from the soundtrack of the mobile game Wizard Ops Part One by Phyken Media. A spirited mix of orchestral scherzo and contemporary beats accompanies the titular fire wizard as he blasts his way through enemies in the game’s first, arboreal level.

March 2023

Cue of the Week: “Wizard Ops Tactics (Main Theme)”

The mobile game Wizard Ops Tactics featured turn-based spell-flinging gameplay in a variety of colorful locations. Like its predecessor game, it featured sound effects created vocally by the great Michael Winslow of Police Academy fame!

The main musical theme reprises the frenetic orchestral signature of the prior game, but transforms it into a more militaristic march — as befits a strategy game.

March 2023

Cue of the Week: “Battle on the Shore”

This week’s cue comes from the magic-themed mobile shooter Wizard Ops. On the game’s beach level the player does a kind of sideways walk while being buffeted by enemy fire. I thought it would be fun to set the music to an asymmetrical meter (5/4) that suggests a literal sidestep. Marcato strings and intermittent percussion help evoke the milieu of constant bombardment.

February 2023
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Cue of the Week: “The Evil Blimp”

This week’s music selection is from my soundtrack for the mobile game Wizard Ops, by Phyken Media. This is your classic boss battle music, in this case for a warlike dirigible that keeps pelting you with bombs.

February 2023

Cue of the Week: “Fast Times in the Tropics”

This week’s music selection is a marimba-driven blend of percussion instruments, some real and some more fanciful.

February 2023
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Cue of the Week: “Gamelan Jam”

This short cue is a genre blend of meditative Eastern percussion and contemporary beats, moving from contemplative to intense and back.

February 2023
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“House of Lies” score completed!

I’m delighted to have finished the music for the feature thriller House of Lies, directed by Matthew Toronto and produced by (prepare yourself for a hefty list) Artistview Entertainment, Spitfire Cinema, and RcR Cinema.

A suspense-thriller with a touch of hometown romance, House of Lies concerns a widow who discovers that her deceased husband was involved in a web of deception and crime — leaving her to deal with the dangerous consequences.

I wrote a hybrid score, combining contemporary and orchestral elements to reflect mounting tension, and blending in folk sounds to echo the film’s rustic setting. Hear a sneak preview of some of the music!

Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  1. Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  2. Emerald, Texas // Highlights
  3. Mythic Battle // Highlights
  4. The Yard Sale // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  5. Investigations // Highlights
  6. Home Room // Highlights
  7. Sands of Arabia // Highlights
  8. Spider Cult // Highlights
  9. Poker Night // Highlights