July 2024
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Cue of the Week: “Final Confrontation”

It’s time for that inevitable moment in every suspense/thriller film score: the final confrontation cue! In addition to the requisite hair-raising effects, this cue presents several of the film’s themes in a musical “getting the gang together” moment. (For example, the main theme becomes a creepy call-and-response between two solo violins.)

As usual, you can tell from the music when the bad guy gets his just deserts. (Or does he? See the movie to find out!) We conclude with some of the overprotective grandmother’s piano melody, hinting that maybe she wasn’t so paranoid after all.

July 2024
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“Escaping Wonderland” announced!

I’m happy to echo the release announcement of Escaping Wonderland, a followup to Cortopia’s hit Down the Rabbit Hole. Escaping Wonderland is a VR puzzle-solving game rich with story depth, set in a familiar but darker version of Lewis Carroll’s fantasy world.

I had a blast writing the orchestral score for this game, and am looking forward to the Meta Quest release this fall! Til then, enjoy the release trailer, which includes a smattering of the game’s music.

July 2024
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Cue of the Week: “Arabella Taken Hostage”

This piece is about getting under your skin and causing disquiet, rather than something you leave the theater humming. In the corresponding scene from Secrets Beneath the Floorboards, our heroine’s sister has been taken hostage. The mood is, understandably, tense.

Instrumentation-wise, I combined organic-sounding timbres (violins) with electronic ones (the “growing” analog synth). To me this evoked the mood of a hostage situation — something alien intruding on something natural.

July 2024
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Cue of the Week: “Escape Attempt”

Sometimes the title says it all! This cue, from the soundtrack of Secrets Beneath the Floorboards, is your classic underscore for tension, panic, and dashed hopes. It’s largely percussive and sound-design-y, meant to evoke our heroine’s claustrophobic attempt to avoid a pursuing stalker.

Stick til the end to hear my amazing bass solo. (Well… I scratched at the strings to create a creepy effect.)

June 2024
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Cue of the Week: “Hacking With Darla”

This week’s selection from Secrets Beneath the Floorboards is a pulsing electronic rhythm to accompany the snooping of a white-hat hacker.

I treated this cue as its own musical moment, distinct from the themes and motifs that pop up throughout the score. This kind of synthesizer smorgasbord is especially fun to write, since the potential palette of sounds is so vast and colorful.

May 2024
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Cue of the Week: “Investigations”

This week’s score track from Secrets Beneath the Floorboards accompanies a classic “heroine ferreting out increasingly dire secrets” scene. These moments often involve lead actors peering at computer monitors with growing concern, presenting an opportunity for music to amp up the energy.

This being a big “a-ha!” moment in the story, it’s the first time we hear the score’s main theme in full. Previously, said theme peeped up in the form of a four-note ascending motive, sometimes leading into other melodies. (Here’s the theme’s more rustic cousin earlier in the film.) Elaborated here, a piano repeats and transforms that four-note sequence, turning it into a proper melody.

May 2024
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Cue of the Week: “A Bitter Funeral”

This week’s music selection from Secrets Beneath the Floorboards accompanies a moment near the start of the film, where our heroine is attending the funeral of her abusive husband. Though her mental state is fairly dark, she’s surrounded by supportive people. (Well, supportive people and a nosy cop; this is a thriller, after all.) I thus made the score lean towards being empathetic, as if it were also a loved one providing comfort.

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Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  1. Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  2. Emerald, Texas // Highlights
  3. Mythic Battle // Highlights
  4. The Yard Sale // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  5. Investigations // Highlights
  6. Home Room // Highlights
  7. Sands of Arabia // Highlights
  8. Spider Cult // Highlights
  9. Poker Night // Highlights