January 2009
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Cue of the Week: “The Final Painting”

This week’s selection is a dark and brooding cue for piano, cello, and strings, written for a thriller film a few years back. I’m indebted to studio veteran John Acosta for his fabulous cello performance.

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

The Final Painting

January 2009
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Cue of the Week: “Attack of the Yen”

No, we can’t all get along! This week’s selection musically accompanies aggressive battle between ancient Korea and Japan, and thus features percussion indigenous to both cultures: the Japanese taikos and Korean hourglass drum (played here by ethno-percussive guru M.B. Gordy).

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

Attack of the Yen

January 2009
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Musical theater projects

Michael’s ten-minute musical Climb The Smallest Mountain was featured in the 2008 Actoberfest Ten Minute Play Festival, where it was voted Audience Favorite.

Michael is writing a new ten-minute musical for the City Theatre of Miami, to premiere in their 2009 Summer Shorts festival.

Two of Michael’s songs will be featured in the Spring 2009 A Stage Kindly touring cabaret of new musicals in London. Michael’s music was also included in the previous concert series in 2008.

January 2009
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Cue of the Week: “The Tension Mounts”

This week’s musical selection has something of a storybook flavor to it – conveying drama, but in a lighthearted world. This is actually a montage of two cues, which starts with a dramatic orchestral introduction and then switches to a more driving action theme.

Buried in the ensemble is an instrument called a Wagner tuba – akin to a french horn, but with a bit more bite. It isn’t very prominent in this particular cue, but sharp-eared listeners might enjoy trying to pick it out.

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

The Tension Mounts

December 2008

Cue of the Week: “Unseen Landscapes”

This pretty – if I don’t say so myself – piece for string orchestra and English horn has a kind of warm holiday fuzziness to it. I therefore thought it would make a nice cue for today, as we head into season of end-of-year celebrations. (Perhaps a touch ironically, this was originally written to accompany a pharmaceuticals ad.)

Happy holidays!

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

Unseen Landsacpes

December 2008
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Cue of the Week: “Thunder of War”

Taiko drums have transcended their original ethnic connotations to become staples of contemporary action scoring. Though sometimes over-used, these instruments have a lot to offer: they pack a punch, but are more agile than the traditional orchestral bass drum. And as they come in different sizes, they offer a palette of different tones.

This percussion-based cue brings taikos back to the context of Japanese ceremonial and militaristic music, creating a musical portrait of growing conflict. I took some liberties with instrumentation, opting for some expressive sounds that probably weren’t regularly used in 13th century feudal Japan. (Please don’t tell the emperor!)

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

Thunder Of War

December 2008

Cue of the Week: “TV Breakdown”

This moody piece of music from the film Home Room features one of my favorite orchestral instruments, the bass flute. It’s a difficult instrument to play (and sometimes hard to find), but has a wonderfully dark and sensuous tone color. The instrument also requires a lot of breath in order to produce a tone, so it’s good idea to let the musician occasionally come up for air!

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

TV Breakdown

Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  1. Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  2. Emerald, Texas // Highlights
  3. Mythic Battle // Highlights
  4. The Yard Sale // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  5. Investigations // Highlights
  6. Home Room // Highlights
  7. Sands of Arabia // Highlights
  8. Spider Cult // Highlights
  9. Poker Night // Highlights