Blog Post

06 February 2014 Interview


Michael is interviewed by Chris Coke of on the latest episode of the “Game On” podcast. The primary topic is Michael’s score for Hex: Shards of Fate, though there’s also discussion of the creative process and advice for those starting out in game music.

Click here for the interview.


3 Responses

  1. JP GrimmOmen Harrod.. My where to start.. In the short time I have known him he managed to fill our conutmimy with hope and wonderful art to go with it. His open honesty to us from all prospectives not just the field he worked in was above and beyond the call of duty. His art contribution to a game that has lasted nearly 15 years (at the time this was written) was out standing despite having to create for two different graphical clients that work side by side.Who ever ends up gaining this truly special person will gain a treasure both for their art sector and in any type of conutmimy whether it be co workers or the public/customers.

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