Blog Post

27 February 2015

Cue of the Week: “Dee and T”

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This blog apologizes, in its most sincere blog voice, for the hiatus in content. Its composer has had a very busy month.

This week’s selection is the opening theme for the film Emerald, Texas (premiering at the Riverside International Film Festival in April). Two girls walk along a dusty Kansas road to that most hated place, high school.

Nylon-string guitar courtesy of Kyle Johnson.

(Click on the play button to stream, or the cue title to download.)

Dee and T

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Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  1. Morituri Te Salutant // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  2. Emerald, Texas // Highlights
  3. Mythic Battle // Highlights
  4. The Yard Sale // Michael Gordon Shapiro - Highlights
  5. Investigations // Highlights
  6. Home Room // Highlights
  7. Sands of Arabia // Highlights
  8. Spider Cult // Highlights
  9. Poker Night // Highlights